Bread 50g (Arpol)


Bread 50g (Arpol)

Arpol pumpernickel bread 50 g is a dark wholemeal bread, high in fibre and low in calories. They are characterised by a long shelf life.

Arpol pumpernickel bread 50 g – healthy food ideal for camping
Thanks to vitamins PP, B and E and high fibre content, pumpernickel is healthy and nutritious. Among other things, it has beneficial effects on the digestive system. This type of bread is usually recommended for people on a reduced diet.
Thanks to the airtight packaging that protects it from contamination, the bread can be safely taken camping, camping, on a bushcraft trip or to a family barbecue.

The Arpopl pumpernickel should also be of interest to manufacturers – the foil seal ensures that the bread does not get wet and retains its flavour for a long time. As a result, it can complement the crisis diet.

Arpol pumpernickel bread 50 g – composition.
The pumpernickel was made using rye flour (41.5%), wheat flour, wholemeal rye flour (5%), vegetable fat, baker’s yeast, barley bran extract, potato flakes, salt and soy flour. The bread contains live cultures of lactobacilli.

In stock (can be backordered)

SKU: 564-043 Category:
