Pocket chronograph X310

Monthly payment from 7.65 / 12 months


Pocket chronograph X310

Miniature chronograph produced by the renowned brand XCORTECH. Based on the X3200 and X3500, the X310 retains the features and functionality of its predecessors despite its small size. It’s similar in size to a Gopro camera, so it doesn’t take up much space and can be carried in a pocket or bag.

The chronograph can be powered by a single AA battery (not included) and also has a Micro USB plug to allow charging via a power bank or wall charger.

Device features:

– Micro USB plug for power supply (only power via cable, no charging)

– High accuracy of measurements

– Reliability

– AA battery powered

– High-sensitivity infrared sensor – MK3 model has 14 sensors, previous version only 8

– Low energy consumption

Available on backorder

SKU: XCR-15-035368 Category:
